

What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting (BSP) is an innovative and transformative therapy for overcoming trapped, triggering, and unwanted behavior, thoughts, and feelings.

It addresses wide-ranging challenges in our everyday lives: from mental blocks (with respect to creative, personal, and professional endeavors) to the more obvious incidents of traumatic events (like those that make it hard to move on with our lives).

BSP treatment works by identifying, processing, and integrating unwanted, confusing, stuck, and activating material. That means you can see the world in a new way.

As a modality, BSP strengthens our natural resources and resilience while recognizing that our psychic systems are capable of great self-regulation.

The shifts clients experience are often immediate and consistently impressive. (The 2016 report from the school shooting at Sandy Hook showed BSP to be the most effective trauma treatment used. Newton-Sandy Hook Community Survey.

BSP works with the simple and neurobiologically supported premise that where you look, directly affects how you feel. BSP utilizes points on the visual field that help access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain. It can be used with talk therapy, CBT, DBT, depth, and other psychotherapeutic modalities.


What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting (BSP) is an innovative and transformative therapy for overcoming trapped, triggering, and unwanted behavior, thoughts, and feelings.

It addresses wide-ranging challenges in our everyday lives: from mental blocks (with respect to creative, personal, and professional endeavors) to the more obvious incidents of traumatic events (like those that make it hard to move on with our lives).

BSP treatment works by identifying, processing, and integrating unwanted, confusing, stuck, and activating material. That means you can see the world in a new way.

As a modality, BSP strengthens our natural resources and resilience while recognizing that our psychic systems are capable of great self-regulation.

The shifts clients experience are often immediate and consistently impressive. (The 2016 report from the school shooting at Sandy Hook showed BSP to be the most effective trauma treatment used. Newton-Sandy Hook Community Survey.

BSP works with the simple and neurobiologically supported premise that where you look, directly affects how you feel. BSP utilizes points on the visual field that help access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain. It can be used with talk therapy, CBT, DBT, depth, and other psychotherapeutic modalities.

“The memory still exists—but it just
doesn’t have a charge anymore."

- Brainspotting Experience from Past Client 


A few essential premises of brainspotting ...

Not Just for

Extreme Trauma

You don’t need to have extreme trauma to benefit from BSP. Any difficulties in life that show up as nervous system dysregulation (and therefore have a trauma response) can be worked through and overcome with BSP.

Eye Positions hold

a Wealth of Information

Where you look affects how you feel. In other words, different eye positions hold a wealth of unconscious information waiting to be integrated.

Both Neurobiological

and Interpersonal

Attunement in all therapeutic processes assists healing. In Brainspotting, there is a dual attunement that is both neurobiological and interpersonal.

"Brainspotting helped me take back my life.”

- Brainspotting Experience from Past Client 

BSP is a client-directed process. Self-healing takes place with the therapist's efforts to follow the client, not through leading the client.

For many, BSP is the quickest and longest-lasting way to release yourself from the effects of distress and patterns that no longer serve the immediate circumstances of your life. Often a release from the grip of anxiety and depression occurs as well. When that happens, a window of tolerance can be opened and expanded for more conscious living, higher functioning, clearer thinking, new insights, and fuller living.

Brainspotting was discovered by David Grand PhD in 2003 while offering EMDR to patients in his practice. BSP is a physiological approach with psychological consequences. BSP has its origins in addressing performance issues (sports, the arts, public speaking…) and therefore has a wide range of applications. BSP acknowledges that “the body keeps the score” meaning the mind often follows the body’s lead and various cues that it offers.

BSP is a client-directed process. Self-healing takes place with the therapist's efforts to follow the client, not through leading the client.

For many, BSP is the quickest and longest-lasting way to release yourself from the effects of distress and patterns that no longer serve the immediate circumstances of your life. Often a release from the grip of anxiety and depression occurs as well. When that happens, a window of tolerance can be opened and expanded for more conscious living, higher functioning, clearer thinking, new insights, and fuller living.

Brainspotting was discovered by David Grand PhD in 2003 while offering EMDR to patients in his practice. BSP is a physiological approach with psychological consequences. BSP has its origins in addressing performance issues (sports, the arts, public speaking…) and therefore has a wide range of applications. BSP acknowledges that “the body keeps the score” meaning the mind often follows the body’s lead and various cues that it offers.

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